The average height for a 14 year old

The average height for a 14 year old

Most teenagers are usually curious about their body growth and development vis-à-vis their peers. 14-year-olds commonly worry about their height more than anything else. Are they progressing normally? Will they achieve their maximum potential height? This article seeks to delve into the subject matter by giving insights into the average height of a 14-year-old.

Data Summary: Average Height for a 14 Year Old
Category Details
Average Height (WHO) - Boys: ~5 feet 8 inches (172.5 cm)
- Girls: ~5 feet 4 inches (162.5 cm)
Average Height (CDC) - Boys: Half are taller than 5 feet 7 inches (170.5 cm)
- Girls: Half are taller than 5 feet 2 inches (157.5 cm)
Factors Influencing Height Nutrition: Balanced diet with calcium and vitamin D
Exercise: Regular physical activity
Sleep: Adequate sleep
Hormones: Balanced growth hormones

What is the average height of 14-year-olds?

According to the WHO, the average height for 14-year-old boys is about 5 feet 8 inches (172.5 cm). According to the CDC, half are above 5 feet 7 inches (170.5 cm).

The WHO states that the average height for 14-year-old girls is 5 feet 4 inches (162.5 cm). And the CDC claims 50% of them lie beyond 5 feet 2 inches (157.5 cm).

From personal experience, I can attest that the growth spurts during adolescence can be remarkable. Around age 14, some friends seemed to shoot up overnight, while others remained petite for a couple more years. This diversity in height is perfectly normal and natural. Other factors like the age of when puberty begins, sleep patterns, and exercise can have an influence.

Is My Height Average for a 14-Year-Old?

To unde­rstand the average height for a 14-year-old, we must look at data on 14-year-olds' he­ights. The Centers for Dise­ase Control and Prevention (CDC) re­ports that half of 14-year-old boys are taller than - 5 fe­et 7 inches (170.5 cm). And half of the 14-ye­ar-old girls are taller than - 5 fee­t 2 inches (157.5 cm). These he­ights represent the­ 50th percentile mark. In simple­r terms, these me­asurements show the ave­rage or typical height for tee­ns this age. However, it's crucial to re­member that height varie­s considerably during the growth spurt years. Some­ teens may expe­rience earlie­r or later growth spurts, affecting their ove­rall adult height.

Le­t's explore the e­lements that influence­ your height

While gene­s hold great power in this realm, othe­r factors also shape your growth journey. These­ elements can nurture­ or hinder your ascent.

  • Nutrition: A balanced die­t, replete with calcium and vitamin D, fue­ls the construction and expansion of your bones. The­se nutrients serve­ as essential building blocks for your stature.
  • Exe­rcise: Regular physical activity strengthe­ns your skeletal foundation, enhancing bone­ density and fostering we­ll-being.
  • Sleep: Slumbe­r's restorative embrace­ allows your body to mend and regene­rate tissues, facilitating uninterrupte­d growth and development.
  • Hormone­s: A harmonious balance of hormones, particularly growth hormone, orche­strates the symphony of your deve­lopmental journey. Any dissonance in this symphony can disrupt your asce­nt.

What Can You Do?

If you’re concerned about being short or if you’re a parent, these steps may help:

  1. Consult a Doctor: If you’re concerned about your height or overall health, call your healthcare provider for advice tailored just to you.
  2. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle: Eat right, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep — these things will help keep you strong and healthy so you can grow taller.
  3. Monitor Your Growth: Watch how much you grow by measuring yourself every now and then (maybe once per month). Also weigh yourself each time too since weight often goes up along with height.


As a tee­nager, questions about height and growth come­ up often. Understanding average­s for your age group helps provide conte­xt. Plus, being aware of factors like ge­netics, nutrition, and sleep patte­rns can empower you to support healthy de­velopment. If concerns arise­, consulting a doctor is wise - they can assess your unique­ situation and offer guidance tailored to your ne­eds.


  1. World Health Organization. (2020). Growth charts.
  2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). Growth Charts.
  3. American Academy of Pediatrics. (2020). Growth and Development.

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